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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Don't spread hate!!

It has become a part of politicians' nature to create hate amongst people. Their natural thinking, speech and actions are governed by this hate. In this hate spread syndrome these politicians are joined by some religious leaders, social activists and self-declared secularists.

There are some who hate other communities. There are some who feed on this hate. There are some who create doubt in peoples' mind that some other people hate them. One thing is common in all of them that they do it to gain support of their target section of the society. They are not interested in the welfare of this section of people but their own survival. Under a negative mindset these hate spreaders think that this is the easiest way to gain support of the people.

These hate spreaders are enemies of humanity. They are criminals in the eyes of God. Friends, let us not encourage these people. Isolate them. We are humans, the most prized creation of God. Let us protect ourselves from these shaitans who are spreading hate in the guise of human beings.


Killing in the name of Allah!!

Killing of the Indian Engineer by taliban is a crime against humanity. It has hurt me. My heart goes out to his family. May God give strength to his wifw, his children and relatives and friends to bear this irreparable loss. I pray to God to grant peace to the departed soul.

These taliban criminals are not humans. They are shaitan in the guise of humans. They worship shaitan in the guise of Allah. Allah will treat them as His enemies and will throw them in the fire of hell on the day og judgement. No allah, no God, or call Him by any name can be happy with killing of innocent humans. Only shaitan can be happy with these killings.

All humans should unite against these shaitans and rid this earth of these killers.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Love all, hate none

God has many names. Love is one such name. When we love others we love God.
Hate is an aberration. Don't fall for it. God has not created hate. When we hate others we hate God. Do you want to hate God?
Or you want to love God.
Choice is yours.