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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pope, you lost my respect

I am a religious person. My religion teaches me to respect all religions. As such, respect for leaders and followers of various religions becomes a natural trait for me. But there are occasions when some such religious leaders say or act in a negative manner that erodes my respect for them. Your recent outburst against my country, my religion and my people has put you in the list of such religious leaders who have lost my respect. It may not be a big deal for you but Mr. Pope there is now at least one person in this world who does not respect you. It does not mean that I hate you. I love all and hate none. I love you as a human being but as a leader of your religion you cease to command any respect from another human being.

I am not going to argue with you what you think and what you have said. I reject everything you said about my country, my religion and my people. Your remarks are irrelevant and only expose your ignorance about Indian traditions and laws. Freedom of religion does not mean conversions by coercion and allurements. Anybody indulging in such acts is committing an ungodly act.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Manifesto of love

God has sent us in this world to love. By loving others we pray God and reach Him. Each person should adopt a personal manifesto of love. I am drafting a manifesto of love which I will adopt. You can also adopt it as it is or with any modification you feel necessary. Put then your manifesto in practice, continuously monitor its progress in your life and take necessary corrective actions where you feel you are deviating from your choosen path.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A failed state in India's neighbourhood

A disturbing news - Pakistan stars in top 10 of failed states' list. To realize its implications one has to understand what is a failed state. A failed state is one in which the government does not have effective control of its territory, is not perceived as legitimate by a significant portion of its population, and does not provide domestic security or basic public services to its citizens. Twelve indicators to measure failure include criminalization or delegitimization of the state, security apparatus as "state within a state", rise of factionalized elites, intervention of other states or external actors, legacy of vengeance-seeking group grievance, chronic and sustained human flight, and uneven economoic development. Pakistan scores heavily in all categories to chalk up a scary total of 103.1 out of 120. Such a state in India's neighbourhood is a cause of great concern.

India has been rated as most stable country in the neighbourhood with a score of 70.4, well ahead of even China, which is ranked 57th with 82.5. GOI and people of India can be proud of India's better track record, but we should not be complacent as many indicators in India are showing disturbibg trends. If not arrested these may go out of control and India will start scoring heavily.

If we analyze the reasons of Pakistan failing we find that major credit goes to hate for India, Indians and its progress. Pakistan was carved out of united India on the basis of hate and in last more than a decade this hate has multiplied. Pakistan has limited resources, which can either be used for development or creating distubances in neighbouring India. Pkaistan has choosen the later and emerged as a failed state. It is time that Pakistan Government, its secirity forces, its intelligence agencies, its administrators and of course the people understand that hate pays no dividends. It only creates problems for others and for self. Stop hate and give love a chance.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hate claims a young life

Pramod Mahajan has passed away. He fought for his life for many days but hate claimed its victim. I am surprised at the intensity of hate which drives an younger brother to fire at his elder brother with the intention to kill him. Fourty Six years is a very young age for an active person to go and it is extremely sad that he has to go in this manner.

May God give peace to the departed soul and strength to his family and wellwishers at this hour of extreme grief. May God also grant wisdom to His children all over the world to love and not hate.

Hate takes another life

Pramod Mahajan passed away. Another life taken away by hate. A brother hates his brother so intensely that he goes and fires at him to kill. What did he get by killing his elder brother? He will be punished by the law of the land. But he is also done a crime aganst God, by hating and killing his brother. People read Ramayana and cry but don't learn from the characters of Lakshman and Bharat. I pray to God to grant peace to the departed soul and strength to his family and wellwishers to bear this irrapable loss. May God also grant wisdom to His children so that they discard hate and love each other.